G&G Steakout II : The Legacy Lives On
In 1981, Marion "Al" and Francina Gause opened the iconic G&G Steakout in Rochester, NY. Though the restaurant closed in 2004, the Gause family's enduring passion never faded. Today, after more than two decades, family members and strategic partners, also from the city of Rochester, are bringing back their legacy with a contemporary twist. Visit G&G Steakout II at 810 Genesee St and 350 E. Main St Rochester NY to savour the mouthwatering menu of gourmet steak sandwiches, burgers, wings, and more that their devoted patrons know and love. The family's steadfast dedication to providing exceptional customer service and phenomenal food within their community remains as strong as ever.
G&G Steakout II 350 East Genesee St
July 27, 2024
Photo Credit: Rob Daniels Photography